The Zsuzsi Roboz Scholarship at Morley College London

Guidance notes for applicants

This Scholarship is offered in memory of the celebrated painter, Zsuzsi Roboz. Funds have been made available to support contemporary figurative artists of promise working primarily in painting and drawing to study for one year at Morley College London, thanks to the generosity of the ‘Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Art Trust’. 

In this context Figurative primarily refers to drawing and painting or sculpture related to human form and other forms of figuration that depicts people and considers the politics of representation.    

Morley College delivers education to adults aged 19 and over. It is based near Waterloo in London. Morley’s Visual Arts department is extremely highly regarded and offers a wide range of art courses from drawing and painting to ceramics and from sculpture to print-making, photography and digital media at all levels from beginners to further and higher education. 

The Scholarship offers the recipient one year’s part-time programme of free classes at Morley College, personal tutoring and mentoring from a professional artist and teacher, and an opportunity to exhibit work in our Gallery at the end of the year. 


The Scholarship is intended for a committed artist who have a developed artistic vision, but who need assistance or support with the next steps of their career.

  • You must be a figurative artist of promise and quality who needs this opportunity to develop.
  • You are working primarily in 2D media
  • You must be aged 19 or over in September 2024
  • You must be willing to commit to part-time study over a year – three academic terms during which you will undertake a tailored programme of part-time courses each term, followed by a period of preparation with a view to holding an exhibition of your work in September 2024

It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide a completed application, with all component parts by the deadline of midnight on Saturday 29 June 2024 

Guidelines for submitting your application

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • 3 statements of maximum 200 words each on the following:
    • Why you want to take up this Scholarship opportunity?
    • How will it impact on your art practice? 
    • Where you would like to be at the end of the programme? 
  • An up-to-date CV
  • A digital portfolio containing 10 to 20 images of your work. This must include clear information about the scale and materials used for each image.

Applicants should note that:

  • Incomplete applications will not be considered; it is imperative, therefore, that all attachments are submitted electronically with your application; if, for any reason, you are unable to do this, please contact Morley’s Visual Arts department at  to discuss by end of day on Friday 28 June 2024. 
  • Please note that interviews for shortlisted candidates will take place the week of the 8th of July 2024 at Morley College 
  • The application process is competitive and all applications will be assessed by a panel of experts in relation to the Scholarship criteria 
  • We encourage applications from diverse backgrounds regardless of age, disability, gender, racial origin, religious beliefs and sexual orientation 

Instructions for submitting your application

Because it is necessary for you to send image files, please use to send your application as follows:

  • In a web browser go to
  • You can transfer files up to a maximum of 2GB.
  • Follow the instructions for transferring files for free (“send up to 2GB free”). Where they ask for your “friend’s email” enter  
  • Make sure that you include your CV, personal statement and list of images submitted (with the details of scale and materials for each) among the files that you transfer in this way.
  • When we receive your files we will email you to confirm receipt.
  • If the total size of your files is likely to exceed 2 GB please contact  

Following the initial selection, shortlisted candidates will be required to submit:

  • Names of two referees
  • Physical examples of your work

Further details will be provided to shortlisted candidates. Interviews will take place the week of the 8th of July 2024. 

The Scholarship Committee will consider the following criteria when assessing applications:

  • Your artistic ability, to be judged from your submitted works
  • Your need for a Scholarship, to be judged from your statement and your interview
  • How you propose to use the opportunity to develop your art practice
  • References (to be provided by shortlisted candidates only)

Morley College London is delighted to be able to offer this Scholarship opportunity to an outstanding artist and is grateful to the Alfred Teddy Smith and Zsuzsi Roboz Art Trust for their generosity in making this Scholarship programme possible.

Further enquiries:

Shirley Ryan

Visual and Digital Arts
Morley College London
61 Westminster Bridge Road
London SE1 7HT 

Previous scholars

2019 / 2020

Helen Johannessen

Jenny Bell

2018 / 2019

Kirsty Howlett

Loyane Bianchini

2017 / 2018

Oli Epp

Livi Mills

2016 / 2017

Cara Rainbow

Samples of work by all artists selected for the scholarship is available on the Morley Art Scholars blog.